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Allison Smith



  • A Navy aviation spouse of 20 years and counting.
  • A mom to two teenage girls who have moved around the globe with us domestically  and internationally supporting this Navy family.
  • A stay-at-home mom for the past 16 years that finally just got back into the job  market after getting through the young years.
  • An Accountant by trade, currently working for a wealth management company out of  San Diego, remotely (thank goodness because the home fire and unavailable  spouse never stops!!!!)
  • An over-information-sharer!!! Friends would probably say that’s my fault and I’ll take  it! I never want someone to miss out on something just because they never knew  about it! Whenever you move it takes so much energy to learn all the new local  things, why should everyone else have to start from scratch when the info is out  there?!
  • An adventurer who loves to travel and is always jumping right into exploring where  we move for each PCS! It usually doesn’t take but a year for us to hit all the must do’s wherever we live……because you never know when you’ll be pulled to move next!