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Season 2   ·   Episode 3

Happy Birthday Chiefs!

Today’s discussion dives into what it means to be a Chief Petty Officer and how that impacts Navy families.

Crystal Bennet is an educator, an advocate, a survivor, and a self-proclaimed thriver! For the past 25 years she has been driven by her personal experiences of trauma to elevate and amplify the voices of individuals and communities, to promote healing and opportunities to move from surviving to thriving.

As a mother to four children and a Navy spouse she has had to exhibit great flexibility but has also learned the importance of taking control to create the path that allows herself and her family to thrive.

Mike Stevens is currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer for the Navy League of the United States. He retired from the U.S. Navy in September 2016 after serving as the 13th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy.

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Show Takeaways:

  • Why are Chiefs an important part of Navy culture?
  • What does it take to be a Chief?
  • How can spouses support their Chiefs?
  • Navy League is a massive supporter of Navy families.


Crystal Bennett

Mike Stevens